Tag Archives: Rob Hall

Race Till You Drop

One man, one mission

Rob Hall is planning to come first in this year’s London Marathon. Yes, you heard me right, he has an elite runner’s place and his aim is to lead the pack for as long as he possibly can! Rob thinks he will be able to lead for 5 or 6 minutes until he collapses in a heap, berated by the commentators.

He is taking sponsorship for how many minutes he can lead the 2008 London Marathon, with all proceeds going to The Christian Blandford fund.

Please support Rob in this historic sporting challenge by e-mailing your pledge to robertwhall(at)supanet.com (please replace the (at) with @) or send peter an e-mail. We are hoping to get lots of PR for this event and wish Rob all the best in this, once in a lifetime, opportunity. You can sponsor Rob directly on his just giving page.

To put it into context the 8 stone Kenyans start at 4 minute 45 pace for the first mile and complete the 26.2 miles in 4.55 pace.  Burly 12 stone Rob commented “its not the winning its the leading that matters.”

Find out more about the Christian Blandford Fund using the links to the left.


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