Author Archives: Will Fealey

Fully Charged Live – Mini Tesla Appeal

On June 7th, 8th and 9th over 150 Tesla owners from Tesla Owners UK will be collecting further funds that will go towards our Toy Tesla cars for Children’s hospice and hospital appeal at Fully Charged Live 2019. To date 160 of these cars have been delivered (at no additional cost to the charity) by the superb volunteers at Tesla Owners UK.

For anyone wishing to donate towards this campaign please visit Virgin Money Giving or if you’re attending the event please use our new state of the art contactless card donation devices.

Or donate via bank transfer:

Account Number: 00019565
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Reference: Tesla Cars
Payee Name: Christian Blandford Fund

If you’re able to help us claim GiftAid please follow these instructions:

  1. Download & fill in the GiftAid form
  2. Save it and forward the completed form to:
  3. with email subject ‘GiftAid Form’

Posted in Fund Raising.