Good News!! Today Christian and I have been at Great Ormond Street Hospital for his annual ultrasound/bloods/X-rays/consultant for his kidney. It’s an amazing hospital full of wonderful Dr’s, nurses, play specialists, therapists etc. However it is also a sad place full of very, VERY sick children. It reminds me how far we have come and how incredibly lucky we are. The Doctor told us that Christians kidney ultrasound looked good and assuming the bloods and urine come back OK, we won’t need to go back again!! ?
A nice message from Claudia
Posted in Blog, Christian's Story.
Hi, just read the article about Christian and the bottle of stolen Bollinger in the Metro. I remember Christian from the Eaton House nursery. My daughter Clarissa and he were in the same group. I am so so glad that he is well- we often wondered what happened to him as he was very ill when they all left Nursery. All the best- so glad to hear such good news. Kind regards Jaqueline Hoyle
Thank you Jaqueline! he is doing really well here is is on the piano I hope Clarissa and you are both well