Christian’s Hickman line is red and sore, it is probably infected so we have brought him to St George’s. He is in good nature but is neutrapenic and his Hemoglobin levels are low so they have put him on antibiotics and he is going to have a blood transfusion.
If he remains happy and doesn’t spike a temperature we hope to take him home tomorrow.
St George’s have set up a credit card payment site for the Christian Blandford fund. If you wish to sponsor or have already pledged this is an efficient way to pay, they only charge 3% as opposed to the 10% justgiving charge.
If you forward me your confirmation e-mail from the donation I’ll be able to keep tally of what we have raised and I’ll add your name to list of generous donors.
Thanks again to all those who have sponsored so far, we are over the moon with how it’s going.
Finally I’ll leave you with the question, “Is the world ready for another super-hero?”
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